Help for the New Homeschooling Mom

new homeschoolingAre you homeschooling for the first time? Are you a little nervous about how this is all going to work? Home schooling is a big step, and it will be quite an adventure for you and your children. But with Jesus’ help, you can do this! He will give you the grace and wisdom, just as He has been doing ever since your children were born.

Here are some articles and article series from a variety of homeschool veterans which will make your way a little smoother:

A great starting place — know your state’s homeschooling laws.

This is a vital beginning step, and believe it or not, your state’s Department of Public Instruction is not always the best source of information. In some cases, the people in charge overstep their legal bounds, demanding more information from homeschool families than what is required by law. Why does that matter? For the sake of our constitutional freedoms, and to avoid setting dangerous precedents for future homeschoolers, it’s pretty important to give only the information needed to be in compliance with the law.

Don’t skip filing whatever paperwork is necessary, and do adhere to the law. Rogue homeschoolers end up giving homeschooling a bad name, making it harder for other families to homeschool with freedom. If you get into trouble for not following state statutes, it can cause unnecessary knee-jerk legislation which makes homeschooling more restrictive for everyone. So, stay in compliance. Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is a reliable source for finding out what your states requirements are:  HSLDA: Homeschool Laws in Your State. Check out their home page, too. They have lots of helpful info, including links to state and local support groups.

If you put Jesus first, everything else about homeschooling will go much better.

I love this article by Kay Chance, written for new homeschooling parents. It will help you to have a successful, peace-filled homeschooling experience:
How Do I Homeschool? 4 Guiding Principles from Scripture.

You may also find my short article series, Create an Atmosphere of Peace in Your Home helpful.

Just like with the rest of life, homeschooling will have its ups and downs. You and your children will have good and bad days. Every once in a while, you may be tempted to resign and hand the job over to somebody else. That’s normal — but don’t give in. Call on Jesus when it gets hard — and call an understanding friend who has been there before you when you need to talk it all out.

There are many different homeschooling methods to choose from.

Here’s an article from which explains them:
Different Types of Homeschooling Methods.

Keep in mind that in reality, you may not follow any one method to the letter. Relax, and do what works for you. As you find your stride, many adjustments will come quite naturally. Your home school doesn’t have to look exactly like anyone else’s.

The How-To Nitty Gritty:

New to Homeschooling? — my own short series with practical helps and encouragement

A Homeschool Mom: Homeschooling 101 — from Christina Grau. This is a wonderful blog. You might enjoy subscribing to read more of what she has to say!

Simple Homeschool: 10 Things Every New Homeschooler Should Know

10 Things I Would Tell a New Homeschool Mom –from The Chaos and the Clutter blog

Do you need more practical info? Check out these links at the LAMP Homeschool page,  New to Homeschooling?

And if you need some solid character education help for your children, please take a look at our Character Building for Families manuals. They can be used for a Bible class or for family devotions. Besides being nondenominational and biblically sound , they’re simple, fun, and economical. We have sample pages and reviews to help you decide if they are right for you.

homeschool character studies


Published by

Lee Ann Rubsam

Lee Ann is an author, publisher, and teacher specializing in character building and prayer resources. Her down-to-earth books and articles provide practical, applicable tools to help Christians grow.

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